Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 107 - 16th July - Rattlesnake Spring - Culvers Gap - Gren Anderson Shelter 17.8 miles

Early start and we see a bear only 3 metres from the trail.
We have 4 miles to walk to the Blue Mt Rd - there is no house but there is meant to be a water pum. The handle is missing and it doesn't work. Luckily we are tanked up with extra. Heading south we meet a hiker desperate for water - Talisman - so we give him one of our bottles of Gatorade. This will save him a 4 mile detour to get water. It is a long hot day as we follow the ridge with few trees. There is a great view of the gap and we drop to the lake and the small town of Culvers Gap.

Culvers Gap is notorious for its poor treatment of hikers, but we find the steakhouse under new ownership, and the new owner appreciates hikers and their appetites. There are already 7 hikers at the bar, so we settle in for an evening with a burger, and then later walk back into the bush to the next shelter, another 2 miles away.

We use the mobile to ring and book 2 nights for Digby's birthday at Antons by Lake for the 19/20th at the little town of Greenwood Lake. This gives us something to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Alison had to drag me away from Talisman, as he was happily walking after joint replacement surgery, a high interest topic at the time. Now I've had my knee replaced, I can see myself walking comfortably again as soon as my walking partner is up for it.
